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Personal data policy for Agrovi – May 2018
This personal data policy explains how (“we” or “us”) process your personal data.

You can gain insight into the data we have about you here.

1 Data controller
The legal entity responsible for the processing of your personal data is:

Agrovi I/S

CVR: 3014 5674

Industrivæng 22

3400 Hillerød


telephone: 4822 5200


2 Use of personal data
We use your personal data for the following purposes:

a) Delivery of our service: We collect and use personal data in connection with the delivery of the business and professional advice that you have requested. Our advisory services – from agricultural advice to financial and legal assistance, etc. – is described in more detail on our website. We also collect and use personal data in connection with the self-service solutions that you have access to on our website.

b) Marketing: Personal information is used for marketing purposes, including targeting our communication with you on the basis of your areas of interest and focus, as well as sending you relevant marketing and professional information in the form of e.g. newsletters.

c) Optimizing the user experience on the website: Personal information is collected when you use our website. We use this information to compile statistics for the use of our website and to optimize the user experience on our website and the services we offer. See more about this in our cookie policy at

d) Business and product development: Personal information is used together with our business partners for analysis, research and statistical purposes with a view to developing our business and advisory services. Examples of results can be mentioned (non-exhaustive list): N forecasts, excerpts from recent soil samples, crop distribution, harvest forecasts, production economics brochures, overview of typical feed plans, industry reports on feed efficiency, benchmark basis within both economic and production technical key figures, impact analyzes of new legislation , income forecasts, etc.

3 Categories of personal data
We collect the following information about you for each of the stated purposes:

a) Delivery of our services

i. General personal data: Name, address, e-mail, telephone number

ii. General personal data: Social security number

iii. General personal data: Information about the company’s operations and production conditions, etc.

iv. General personal data: Information about the company’s ownership and finances, etc.

v. Special personal data: Information about health etc., e.g. in connection with an agreement on the provision of employee administration and crisis assistance, membership of the Norwegian church or contributions to other religious or political organizations that may be included in connection with the preparation of the accounts

b) Marketing

i. General personal data: Name, address, e-mail, telephone number

ii. General personal data: Purchase history, interests

iii. General personal data: Information about the company’s operations, production conditions and finances

c) Optimizing the user experience on the website:

i. General personal data: Online identifiers such as IP addresses and cookies

d) Business and product development

i. General personal data: Information about the company’s operations, production conditions and finances

4 Sources
When we collect information from sources other than you, this source/s will be:

a) Public authorities, e.g. SKAT

b) Public business registers, e.g. CHR and CVR

c) Agriculture’s central databases, e.g. Danish Field Database, Cattle Database

d) Suppliers and buyers who have a direct financial or advisory relationship with your company

e) Other business partners, e.g. bank, mortgage or audit, who have a direct financial or advisory relationship with your company

f) Online sources that are publicly available.

The information collected about you originates from:


5 Basis of processing
We process your personal data as described above based on the following basis of processing in relation to each of the stated purposes:

a) Delivery of our services

The processing basis is the agreements you have entered into with us, supplemented by our general terms and conditions

b) Marketing

Legal basis


c) Optimizing the user experience on the website:

Cookie policy

d) Business and product development

Legal basis

Agreements with you

6 Disclosure of your personal data
We disclose your personal data to the following categories of recipients:

a) Public authorities, e.g. in connection with the submission of tax returns, pesticide or fertilizer accounts, statutory animal registrations, reimbursement and support applications, etc.

b) Group-affiliated companies when it is necessary for their solution of a task for which you have asked for help. The information may also be used for marketing purposes. In the case of sensitive personal data, the disclosure will only take place once you have given consent to this.

SEGES Landbrug & Fødevarer FmbA (SEGES) when, in connection with the delivery of our services, we use one or more IT solutions developed and/or operated by SEGES. SEGES uses the information for analysis, research and statistical purposes. In this connection, SEGES can combine data received from us with data received from local associations and from other companies with their own data. You can read L&F’s personal data policy at

7 Storage of your personal data
We will store your personal data regarding:

a) Information is stored as a starting point for up to 5 years from the end of the customer relationship. The information can be stored for a longer period in cases where we are subject to liability for damages that runs after the 5-year period or in cases where the legislation dictates that we are obliged to store the information for a longer period.

We will store your personal data in accordance with the following criteria: 1) factual purpose, 2) so that a legal claim can be asserted or defended. We aim to limit the storage of special personal data as much as possible.

8 Your rights
You have the following rights:

· You have the right to request insight, correction or deletion of your personal data.

· You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and to have the processing of your personal data restricted.

· In particular, you have an unconditional right to object to the processing of your personal data for use in direct marketing.

· If the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time. Your revocation will not affect the legality of the processing carried out prior to your revocation of your consent.

· You have the right to receive the personal data that you have submitted yourself in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (data portability).

· You can always file a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority, e.g. The Norwegian Data Protection Authority.

You can make use of your rights by contacting

There may be conditions or limitations to these rights. It is therefore not certain that you, for example, has the right to data portability in the specific case – this depends on the specific circumstances in connection with the processing activities.

Hillerød 25 May 2018

 Download Personal data policy-Agrovi-May-2018